How to Help Centennial Infant and Child Centre FoundationFoundationHow to Help Kids Club Monthly Join the Kids Club monthly giving program and help provide a dependable stream of funding. Your gift of $10, $15,… In Memory Give a gift of love and hope in memory of someone dear to you. Your gift will be acknowledged by… In Honour Celebrate a birthday, anniversary, or another occasion by donating in honour of that special someone. Your gift will be acknowledged… Gift of Securities Giving shares is a tax effective way to support the Centennial Infant and Child Centre Foundation’s mission. Bequests Leaving a legacy is a choice, requiring a decision that must be accompanied by a commitment. The legacy we leave… Pledge You may choose to support our mission by making a pledge of support payable over 3 to 5 years. The… Third Party Event Host and organize a barbecue, a party, a golf tournament or any other event and ask for donations in support… SPRING CAMPAIGN This fundraising campaign is an easy way to raise money in support of the Early Intervention Program. You can simply… Powering Potential $10 MILLION is needed to purchase, build or renovate, and furnish a new larger and more accessible site. Your pledge… How to Help ×